Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

Jammu Kashmir Dispute and Recent Development

Kathmandu, 2019 October 31, Thursday

Pakistani Embassy in Nepal has issued a press release on Jammu Kashmir dispute and recent developments by organizing a program to commemorate the Kashmir Black Day, in Kathmandu today. The program was attended by some hundred and fifty intellectuals, writers, analysts and representatives of human rights organizations as well.

In the press release, Pakistani Ambassador to Nepal, Mazhar Javed has recounted the historical perspectives of the dispute and the Kashmiris’ struggle for their right of self determination that had been promised to them under several UN Security Council Resolutions.

High lighting the human rights violations taking place in Indian occupied Kashmir after Indian Government’s illegal decision to revoke Article 370 on August 5. In the press release, Ambassador has mentioned that the illegal decision of India has violated the UN resolutions, and has further added that the people of Jammu Kashmir have been subjected to inhuman curfew, thousands of arbitrary detentions mostly of teenagers , night raids , rape, torture and clamp down on internet and cell phone.

Program, organized by the embassy encompassed talk by speakers followed by an interactive session along with documentary presentation one on the genesis of dispute and the other on international reactions to ongoing human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir.

Speaking at the program, Dr Surendra KC expressed a serious concern on the media and on information blockade, use of pellet guns and arrest of Kashmiri leadership. He further said, India has come under serious criticism by UN Commissioner on human rights and other international human rights organizations for its repressive measures in the disputed territory.

Throughout the program, in the talks of the speakers, it was noted that the holding of the UN security council meeting in August to discuss the Jammu Kashmir had conclusively negated the Indian propaganda that Kashmir was its internal issue.

Kashmir dispute was an international dispute which needed to be resolved according to Security Council Resolutions that the intellectuals and analysts noted.

Message by The Prime Minister of Pakistan on Kashmir Black Day 27th OCTOBER, 2019

The Kashmir Black Day being observed in Pakistan and across the world today is distinct from the past. On 27 October 1947, India had illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir, and, on 5 August 2019, it took further steps to unilaterally alter the disputed status of the territory and change its demographic structure and identity. Pakistan, the Kashmiris and the Muslim Ummah, have categorically rejected this travesty of law and justice.

Since 5 August 2019, the scale and intensity of the Indian government’s human rights violations have increased several-folds. Through the deployment of additional troops and an unprecedented media and communications blackout, that has continued for almost three months, Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IOJ&K) has been turned into the largest prison on the planet. There is a shortage of medicines and essential food items. Thousands have been arbitrarily detained. Thousands of young boys have been abducted, incarcerated in undisclosed locations, and subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment. The Indian state-terrorism has turned even more atrocious.

The world community, international human rights organizations and the international media are calling India out on this tyranny. The façade of India being the so-called ‘largest democracy’ stands fully exposed.

Pakistan demands the immediate lifting of the curfew and communications blackout as well as rescinding of India’s illegal and unilateral actions. We urge the international community to play its role in ensuring respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people and averting grave risks to peace and security posed by India’s irresponsible actions.

We express our unshakable solidarity with the people of occupied Jammu & Kashmir and assure our Kashmiri brothers and sisters that Pakistan will always be shoulder-to-shoulder with them. Pakistan will continue its full moral, political and diplomatic support until the Kashmiri people realize their legitimate right to self-determination in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the applicable UN Security Council resolutions.

Message by the President of Pakistan on Kashmir Black Day – 27th October, 2019

27th October marks one of the darkest chapters in the history of Jammu & Kashmir. On this day, seventy-two years ago, Indian security forces landed in Srinagar to occupy, oppress and terrorize the innocent people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IOJ&K) in blatant violation of international law and morality.

The United Nations Security Council through several of its resolutions has upheld the fundamental right of the Kashmiri people to decide their own future through a fair and impartial plebiscite held under the UN auspices. Reneging on its repeated commitments to the international community to implement these resolutions, India has continued on the path of brutal suppression of the Kashmiri people to this day.

Since 5 August 2019 India has imposed an inhuman lockdown over 8 million people in IOJ&K Use of torture, enforced disappearances and restrictions on freedom of movement and assembly are the stark realities today. Indian Occupation forces are perpetrating unspeakable crimes against the Kashmiri people, including women and children, with complete impunity. The indefensible curfew and communications blackout, going on for nearly three months now, is illustrative of the state-terrorism that India has wreaked on innocent Kashmiris for decades. No matter how brutal its policies and tactics, India cannot crush the spirit of the Kashmiri people.

Today, we pay homage to the martyrs for the cause of Kashmir and honour all those who have suffered at the hands of Indian occupying forces. Pakistan reaffirms its unflinching moral, political and diplomatic support to the people of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir with the solemn pledge that this will continue until the realization of their legitimate right to self-determination.

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